
Leather Glaze Leather Sealant

  • Leather Glaze protects against signs of abrasion and wear as well as dye transfer/contamination (e.g., from blue jeans).
  • Ideally applied immediately on new leather.
  • Early application facilitates future leather cleaning and care.

New Leather Sealant

New leather (up to 3 years) does not need additional conditioning as it's still protected by the tanning process. However, it should be shielded from wear and dye transfer from jeans and other clothing. Leather Glaze significantly reduces these risks by protecting seat bolsters and creating a barrier between the leather surface and external contaminants.

Older Leather Sealant

Step 1: Older leather (from 3 years onward, depending on usage) needs regular re-greasing to stay soft. Leather Milk is a powerful, easy-to-use care product for pigmented leather, containing emulsifiers, UV-filters, and antioxidants to prevent leather degradation.

Step 2: Older leather subjected to wear, friction, and abrasion can lose its protective coating, exposing the pigment. Leather Glaze helps maintain surface protection on both new and old leather. If color begins to lift during cleaning, it's an ideal time to apply Leather Glaze.

Areas of Concern: Bolsters, steering wheels, shift knobs, elbow rests, or any leather surface frequently subjected to friction (from skin or clothing contact).