Swissvax Care Points Loyalty Program

Earn reward Care Points on every purchase. Redeem for vouchers and free shipping on future purchases.

Rewarding your loyalty

Earn Care Points on every purchase and enjoy exclusive rewards like discount vouchers and free shipping. It’s our way of saying thank you for choosing Swissvax.

How it works


Sign up or log in to your account—it’s free and easy. Start earning points right away


Collect Care Points every time you shop with us. You’ll also earn bonus points for special actions like following us on social media or celebrating your birthday.

Why join Swissvax Care Points?

Your loyalty matters. With Swissvax Care Points, every purchase gets you closer to rewards. Plus, there are so many ways to earn extra points!


Use your Care Points to unlock rewards like discount vouchers, free shipping, or save up for bigger rewards.

Join now for free